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Tired of Changing Soiled Sheets and Waking Up to the Smell of Urine, 
This Poor Wife Came Into My Office and Confessed...

Tired of Changing Soiled Sheets and Waking Up to the Smell of Urine, This Poor Wife Came Into My Office and Confessed...

“My Husband Wet the Bed Again… Please Help!”

If you’re over 45 and getting up to pee every night, this cautionary tale could prevent your aging prostate from stealing away your manhood.

Dear reader,

Did you ever wet the bed as a kid?

Or know someone who did?

Well, if you’re a man over the age of 45 who's struggling to sleep through the night without getting up to pee...

This childhood memory could soon become a present-day nightmare.
You probably know that millions of men suffer from prostate problems every year…

But what you DON’T know is…
  • You’re staring down the barrel of years of incredibly painful surgeries…
  • Catheters and sharp metal rods being shoved down your pecker…
  • And prescription pills that will turn you into a eunuch.
Worst part is...
This “benign” prostate problem could soon have you wetting the bed more often than a nervous toddler...

And leave you peeing uncontrollably into an adult diaper for the rest of your life.

Just ask my best friend Clint.

I’ll share the rest of his story with you in just a moment…
But first, I have to tell you...

The shocking report you’re about to read could prevent your swollen prostate from stealing away your pride, dignity, and manhood…

And save you from a lifetime of embarrassment, shame, and humiliation.

So put away your phone, close all your tabs, and make sure you read this entire report from top to bottom...
Because in the next few minutes, you’re going to discover...
  • The truth about prostate enlargement and BPH (and how it’s got nothing to do with hormones or “aging”).
  • 4 signs of a rotten prostate (if you’re worried about your prostate, this is a simple at-home test you can do without going to the doctor)
  • Why 98% of men with swollen prostates have THIS deadly toxin hiding in their prostate (HINT: It’s found in hamburgers, oatmeal, and most everyday American foods. But I reveal an unconventional new way to flush it out — FAST.)
  • The surprising reason why most natural remedies don’t work for men who get up at night to pee (in fact, they can make your prostate problems even WORSE).
  • Two common pain pills that are blowing your prostate up like a balloon (they’re probably sitting in your medicine cabinet right now).
  • How a Nobel Prize winning discovery made just before WWII saved my 56-year-old patient and best friend Clint from spending the rest of his life in adult diapers.
  • The $1.15 a day formula that can end your prostate nightmare (plus how you can get up to one free bottle).

⚠️ But first, I need to warn you...

Many of My Colleagues in the Scientific Community Are Trying to Cancel Me For Sharing the Information Inside This Report

I don’t make that statement to be dramatic...

It’s the God’s honest truth..
Because if you’re one of the MILLIONS of American men who is 45+ and whose aging prostate has begun to betray them...

This newest advancement in prostate science won’t just allow you to get back to sleeping through the night...

It could also save you thousands, if not TENS of thousands of dollars per year in healthcare costs too.
That means billions of dollars in lost money to health insurers, drug companies, for-profit medicine, nursing homes, funeral parlors, and everyone else who planned on getting rich off your aging prostate...

Which is why I’m making a lot of enemies by publishing this information online…
Because this will not just slow prostate growth...

But actually shrink it back down to a normal size.

So it’s crucial you read this entire report in its entirety right now, while it’s still available on the web. 

Because a few of my former colleagues are out for blood…

And I don’t know how much longer I can hold them off.

Here’s Why I’m Risking My Livelihood To Bring You This Urgent Message

Hi, my name is Dr. Ralph La Guardia.

I’m a Board Certified Internist with a specialization in Geriatrics, and my clinic in Connecticut specializes in natural remedies, in conjunction with Western medical practices.

I’m also a best-selling author of The Doomsday Book of Medicine and The Bible of Alternative Medicine.
Over the last 32 years, I’ve helped thousands of men regain their youth, energy, vitality, and virility...

And maintain it well into their 70s, 80s, and 90s.Studying scientific breakthroughs in men’s health has become my life’s mission...

Specifically in the field of prostate health.

Because for me, this obsession with maintaining a healthy prostate is personal.

You see, my dad struggled with prostate problems for most of his adult life.

So did my granddad.
Growing up, I witnessed just how much havoc this tiny little gland can wreak on a man’s life when it stops working right….

I saw how emasculating it can be, having to run to the bathroom all the time…

Only to squeeze out a few pathetic drops of pee.
Not to mention never being able to sit through a long car ride... 

Watch a movie on the big screen...

Or even sleep through the night without getting up two to three times or more.

To be honest, my dad was so ashamed of his prostate he never wanted to talk about it…
It was a forbidden subject...

That I wasn’t allowed to bring it up...

Even after I became a doctor.

Since then, I’ve always stayed at the cutting edge of prostate science.

And then, about a year ago…

I got an unexpected visit at my office where...

My Best Friend’s Wife Confessed That His Aging Prostate Had Robbed Him of His Manhood

Let me give you a little backstory on my friend Clint…

He’s always been a tall, handsome guy...

He’s a decorated Army Ranger who did two tours in the Persian Gulf...

Can build just about anything with his bare hands...

And likes to start each day by doing 500 sit-ups and push-ups before breakfast.
But despite being fitter and healthier at 56 than most men are at 26...

Recently, Clint started to notice his prostate was acting strange...

He began having to hit the can more often than usual…

Often needing to get up once at night to pee…

He sometimes felt a weird tingling or burning sensation when he did...
And his stream wasn’t as strong and powerful as it used to be.

But like most men his age, he figured this was normal.

Certainly nothing to complain about.

So, he just went on about his business.

Unfortunately, things didn’t get better...

Before long, he was getting up two or even three times every night just to relieve himself…

Which left him feeling exhausted and irritable in the morning.
The sudden urge to urinate became constant, following him everywhere he went...

But what was even stranger…

Was that Clint found himself struggling to initiate a steady flow once he was standing over the toilet bowl.

It was maddening.

His wife Karen couldn’t help but take notice.
“Honey, what’s wrong? I noticed you got up a few times last night,” she said one morning.
“Nothing. I just haven’t been sleeping well,” he snapped.

She could tell he was embarrassed.

As you can imagine, Clint’s a proud man.

And admitting there’s something wrong “down there” is the last thing any man wants to do.

But eventually, as his symptoms went from bad to worse, Karen persuaded him to see a urologist.

“You’ve Got an Enlarged Prostate, But Don’t Worry... it’s Normal For a Man Your Age”

Clint’s first visit with his urologist was uncomfortable.

He explained there are 4 basic signs of a rotten prostate:

  • Waking up every night to pee (even if you stopped drinking fluids hours before bed)
  • A crooked stream that sprays all over the toilet bowl
  • Hesitancy or trouble initiating (even when you really have to go)
  • ​Weird tingling or burning sensations at the tip

Then he told Clint to pull down his pants, lie on his side, and bring his knees to his chest so the doc could check his prostate.

So much for friendly chit chat.
The urologist stuck his hand up Clint’s behind and gave his prostate an undignified squeeze... 

The second he did, Clint almost jumped off the table in pain.

He also felt a few drops of pee leak out into his underwear...

“Yep, it feels pretty boggy in there,” said his urologist as he took off his latex gloves.
“How many times are you going to the bathroom per day?” he asked.
“Maybe ten to fifteen times,” said Clint, lowballing the number out of sheer embarrassment.

“Got it. Well, it looks like you’ve got an enlarged prostate. But don’t worry… it’s pretty normal for a man your age.”

“I’m 56, goddammit,” Clint thought to himself.
His urologist went on…

“You’ve gotta give up beer and coffee. No liquids three hours before bed. Take this and come back to see me in 90 days,” he said, handing him a prescription for something called Proscar.

Now despite his complete lack of bedside manner…

Clint was committed to giving to following his new orders from the urologist.

Unfortunately, he had no idea his prostate nightmare was just beginning…

“Honey, Did You Just Wet the Bed?”

Just a few weeks later…

His wife Karen awoke one morning to a horrifying surprise...

The musty smell of dried urine.
With her nightgown pulled up to cover her nose, she looked over at Clint’s side of the bed.

He was already up, gently trying to tug the sheets off with a panicked look on his face.

“Honey, did you just wet the bed?” she asked.

Then she lifted up the covers and her worst fears were confirmed.
Clint had wet the bed while they slept…

And now his pee was caked all over their bedsheets.

Karen felt sick to her stomach.

Clearly, the prescription Clint got from his urologist hadn’t helped.

If anything, it had made his prostate problems even WORSE.

Without saying a word, Clint peeled the sheets off the bed and slinked out of the room in shame.

Meanwhile, Karen grabbed the phone and called the urologist.

You won’t believe what he said to her...

“I’m Sorry Ma’am, But Your Husband May Need to Start Wearing Adult Diapers

Karen begged and pleaded with him to do something…


But Clint’s urologist was unphased.

“I hear you, ma’am. But this can happen sometimes. It’s a potential side effect... especially with men his age. He may need to start wearing adult diapers to bed. Or think about surgery.”
Karen begged and pleaded with him to do something…
Karen’s jaw hit the floor.

She was speechless.

“If you’d like to drop by my office, my assistant will give you a pamphlet with more information on some of the brands we recommend,” he said, and then hung up.

That was it.

How could this heartless urologist condemn Clint — the strongest, kindest, most loving man she had ever known — to a life sentence in adult diapers?
She burst into tears, right there at the kitchen table.

But a few minutes later, she decided she was going to do whatever it took to save Clint from this prostate nightmare.

No matter what it took...

No matter what she had to do...

Because she refused to let her husband spend the rest 40 years of his life peeing into a diaper...
Stripped of his pride, dignity, and manhood.

Then she jumped in the car and drove straight to my office.

I Began Searching For the Real Reason Why a Man’s Prostate Starts Growing Again

As you may know, benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH affects 50-80% of the aged male population.

So I started with a basic question:

What causes BPH?

Well, turns out, scientists figured out the first piece of the BPH puzzle over 100 years ago...
In 1895, a surgeon named Dr. William White discovered a connection between BPH and a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (1).
Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is a male sex hormone that helps your reproductive system reach full maturity during puberty. 

It’s also responsible for things like muscle mass and facial hair.

Sounds kind of like testosterone, right? 

That’s because it actually comes FROM testosterone. 
But DHT is 10X stronger than testosterone. So having too much of it running through your veins can be very dangerous — especially for your prostate.

DHT is the hormone that controls your body’s “growth switch.”

Which, in the case of your prostate, gets shut off after puberty.

But if your DHT levels get too high, your prostate’s “growth switch” can get accidentally flipped back on.

So your prostate quickly starts inflating itself...

Placing pressure on your bladder and urethra…

Making it much more difficult to initiate a strong stream…

And giving you the sudden (and sometimes constant) need to urinate.
This is why Big Pharma’s two favorite prostate drugs, Avodart and Proscar, focus strictly on reducing DHT levels.

Only problem is...

Like most of the pharmaceutical cocktails designed by corporate fat cats…

These dangerous drugs are much better at swelling profits than shrinking prostates.

You see, thousands of men all over the U.S. are prescribed these anti-DHT drugs every day…
But many of them report getting NO relief from their symptoms.

Not to mention they also come with risk of brutal side effects…

Like depression, heart failure, erectile dysfunction, impotence, and even incontinence. (2)

As my friend Clint found out the hard way.

We’ll come back to this in a second...
But here’s the part I couldn’t wrap my head around...

If the hormone DHT was the true cause of prostate enlargement… then why don’t any of these prostate drugs work?

It made no sense.

Something just wasn’t adding up.

So, I continued my investigation and...

I Was Shocked to Learn That 98% of BPH Patients Have THIS Deadly Toxin 
Hiding in Their Prostate

As I pored over hundreds and hundreds of scientific studies on different treatments for prostate enlargement…

I stumbled across something that shocked me.
It was a finding buried deep in a long forgotten study on BPH patients that was published in the prestigious Journal of Urology back in 1979.
The study analyzed prostate tissue samples of people who underwent a procedure called transurethral resection of the prostate, or TURP.

Now, in case you’re not familiar with it, let me give you a brief explanation...

TURP surgery is like a “last resort” for men with enlarged prostates.

The procedure is chilling…

A surgeon shoves a 12-inch metal rod called a “resectoscope” straight down your manhood…

And shaves off a piece of your prostate from the inside.
It’s like a Roto-Rooter for your Johnson...

And if that sounds bad, the recovery is even worse…

You get sent home after a day or two and have to “self-catherize” until your urinary function returns to normal.

Which can sometimes take a few weeks.

In other words, you’ve gotta stick the catheter in yourself anytime you need to pee.

Can you imagine having to shove a catheter up your pee hole 10-20+ times a day?

Sounds worse than Chinese Water Torture if you ask me...

And sadly, just like the so-called “solutions” Big Pharma wants to ram down your throat...

TURP surgeries don’t always work.

In fact, I’ve spoken to men who’ve had two, three, sometimes even FOUR separate surgeries… all without getting relief from their symptoms.

So it’s far from a safe bet.

Anyway, back to the study I mentioned a moment ago…
Researchers analyzed 162 tissue samples following TURP surgery and found a whopping 98.1% of them had signs of prostatitis (aka an inflamed prostate). (3)
Now get this...

Another study that was published much more recently, in a 2016 edition of the scientific journal Current Urology, confirmed these findings…
Out of 222 patients with BPH, a staggering 218 of them had inflamed prostates. (4)
This comes out to the exact same 98% figure found in the 1979 study.


Well, as a lifelong believer in the Scientific Method...

Let’s just say I’ve learned not to believe in coincidences...

Because Mother Nature loves to leave breadcrumbs.

So I kept on digging and...

Then I Found the Missing Link No Urologist Was Talking About

Now the connection between prostatitis and BPH seemed like an obvious place to start...

But at the same time, I couldn’t help but wonder...

Could prostatitis really be CAUSING prostate enlargement?

It seemed like a bit of a stretch.

Especially since no one else in the medical community was talking about it...
Regardless, that’s exactly what I set out to uncover in the next chapter of my search...

And as I spent the next few weeks poring over a stack of academic research papers bigger than a piece of legislation from the House of Representatives…

I began to put the pieces together.

Turns out, prostatitis is much more common than most people think.
Consider the recent results of the REDUCE trial…

This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the prostate health of 8,824 men over a 7-year period.

In other words, the gold standard for scientific research.

And when researchers from the Department of Urology at the Mayo Clinic put tissue samples from the REDUCE trial under the microscope...
They discovered 3,126 out of 4,109 of these men — a total of 78.3% — had chronically inflamed prostates. (5)
Remember, these were HEALTHY men with no reported prostate symptoms...


When they synced up their new findings with the results of the original study…

They found inflammation led to bigger, more swollen prostate glands…

Urinary symptoms that were much more severe…

And to no one’s surprise - a much lower quality of life.

This was it…

I knew I MUST be onto something…

So like a dog with a bone, I kept on digging…

Until I stumbled upon...

The Emerging Theory
of Prostatitis

What my research had revealed so far was that prostatitis, or prostate inflammation, was the catalyst for a vicious cycle of prostate growth…

Here’s how it works...
Basically once your prostate is inflamed…

It triggers an immune response.

So your immune system sends these inflammatory molecules called “fibroblasts” down there to contain it.

Just like if you had an open wound.

In fact, these are the same molecules that help form a scab anytime you have a cut or a scrape that bleeds.
But if your prostate remains inflamed…

More and more of these “fibroblasts” get sent down to deal with the problem…

Which leads your prostate to start scabbing over, almost like an open wound.

With me so far?

Good, now get this…
Scientists at the University of Florence have been hot on the prostatitis trail…

And in the course of their research, they’ve just uncovered a prostatitis bombshell.
They’ve confirmed that not only does it trigger the never ending inflammation and wound healing cycle which promotes prostate growth…

But prostatitis also leads directly to the formation of BPH “nodules”. (6)
You see, in the case of BPH, your entire gland does NOT begin to swell at once.

Instead, these tiny little bumps (called “nodules”) appear on your prostate...

And these nodules ACTIVATE the hormone DHT…

Which, in turn, causes them to grow even more.

Can you believe that?

Here’s What I Finally Realized

All my research boiled down to one simple conclusion...

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is really just a bad case of undiagnosed prostatitis.

When your prostate becomes inflamed, your body’s immune system starts to attack it.

So eventually, it starts to scab over like an open wound.

Then, this chronic inflammation causes “nodules” to form on your prostate... 

Which act like homing beacons for the deadly growth hormone DHT...

And this forces your prostate to balloon out of control.

It’s like throwing gasoline on a fire.

Your body’s natural defenses kickstart a vicious cycle that ends with your private parts getting sliced open by surgeon's knife.
As the puzzle pieces finally came together in my head, I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

My persistence had finally paid off.

I didn’t have the solution in hand just yet…

But I DID have a deeper understanding into the root cause of Clint’s ailing prostate than anyone else in the medical community.

What’s more...

This emerging theory would also explain why many natural BPH remedies like saw palmetto show exciting potential in small-scale studies…

But fall flat when it comes to long-term prostate relief.

They were effective at addressing the downstream effects of prostate enlargement…

But they were incapable of fixing the root cause.

Armed with this newfound knowledge…

I knew exactly what to look for...

Something powerful enough to soothe the painful inflammation causing Clint’s prostate to swell.

So down the rabbit hole I went…

Searching for anything that could help with prostatitis...

A few days later, I stumbled across something very unusual...

Could This Nobel Prize Winning Discovery
Made Just Before World War II Be
the Secret to Fixing Prostatitis?

Now because of where it’s located and its lack of blood supply…

The prostate gland is notoriously hard to penetrate.

That’s why typical anti-inflammatories like fish oil and turmeric, and even pain meds like Tylenol and Motrin, are off the table.
In fact, recent studies have found over-the-counter pain meds are linked to an increased incidence of both prostatitis and BPH. (5) (6)
So I needed to find something that was proven to penetrate the prostate gland…

That’s when I turned to an old trick I learned from one of my professors in med school.
“Ralph, when you can’t find what you’re looking for, sometimes you need to go back in time,” he told me.

“Many of the world’s greatest scientific discoveries have ALREADY been made… and it’s your job to dig them back up.”
So that’s exactly what I did.

I started analyzing Nobel Prize winners from years past…

Going all the way back to the early 1900s…

When I came across a Hungarian biochemist named Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi.

Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi won the Nobel Prize for his discovery of Vitamin C in 1937…

Along with another lesser-known compound called Quercetin.
Quercetin is a naturally-occurring compound found in many foods associated with health and longevity…

Such as red wine, citrus fruits, coffee, and green tea.

And while Vitamin C grabbed all the headlines at the time…
Quercetin was quietly recognized as a miracle anti-inflammatory and antioxidant…

Specifically for its ability to penetrate hard-to-reach areas in the body.

Which led me to…

Study Finds Quercetin Relieves Chronic Prostatitis in 82% of Patients (7)

This was another randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study…

Following the strictest criteria for scientific study...

And get this...
Researchers found that a daily dose of just 500mg of quercetin was enough to relieve chronic prostatitis symptoms for a whopping 82% of patients.
Here was the evidence I’d been searching for…

Credible evidence that Quercetin was fully capable of penetrating the prostate gland…

And could quickly relieve the painful symptoms of prostatitis…


Can Healing Your Inflamed Prostate 
Really Be This Simple?

I’ll admit it, that’s the question I was asking too. 

So after I’d reviewed Dr. Szent-Gyorgyi’s body of work…

Along with this study indicating quercetin might be the silver bullet we needed to save Clint’s prostate...

I started digging around to see if I could find any more studies on quercetin and its ability to heal prostate inflammation...
I was pretty skeptical...

But surprisingly…

I Uncovered a Mountain of Evidence 
To Support My New Hypothesis

I Uncovered a Mountain of Evidence To Support My New Hypothesis

  • A Cleveland Clinic study that found prostatitis patients taking 500mg of Quercetin twice a day, along with another compound called Bromelain reduced their symptoms by an average of 48% (8)
  • A 2018 study showing that Quercetin can slash abnormal prostate cell growth by as much as 50% (9)
  • And a 2020 study published in The Prostate Journal which found Quercetin doesn’t just relieve prostatitis symptoms, but can actually PROTECT against it. (10)
Along with many others.

So At This Point, I Knew What
I Needed to Do...

In addition to Quercetin...

I made a list of every single natural ingredient that’s ever been shown to help support a healthy prostate...

Then I examined the science behind each of those ingredients with extreme skepticism.  

I started with a list of over 57 ingredients…
But then proceeded to eliminate every one that wasn’t supported by multiple peer-reviewed, scientific studies…

Conducted on REAL humans…

Until finally, I was left with just 8 breakthrough ingredients.

Ingredients that were clearly first class when it comes to natural prostate health and support.
Once I had these 8 ingredients nailed down…

I reached out to my friend and trusted partner Kriss Berg, who’s helped me formulate several other lifesaving health remedies over the last 15 years...

And we went to work creating an advanced nutrient delivery system…

In the form of a uniquely designed nutritional capsule…

Something that contains each of those eight prostate shrinking ingredients...

In the exact dosages supported by scientific studies.


We Rush Delivered the First Bottle of Our New Formula to Clint’s Front Door

Understandably, Clint was pretty skeptical at first.

And after going from 500 push-ups and sit-ups each morning…

To lying in bed all day and only getting up whenever he had to rush to the toilet…

His body was a shell of its former shelf.
But as soon as that little brown box landed on his doorstep…

He ripped open the package and followed my instructions to take three capsules once a day with food.

Now, admittedly, the first few days went by without much improvement...
But a week after he began taking our new formula…

Clint noticed the nagging urge to pee wasn’t quite as bad as it usually was.

A few days after that, his weak dribbles began to grow stronger and stronger...

Within just a few weeks, he could hardly believe his eyes.

Clint was back to fully emptying his bladder every time he hit the can.

Which meant no more going back every 15 minutes to squeeze out a few more drops…
No more searching for the nearest toilet everywhere he went...

And more importantly, no more getting up at night to pee.

A month later, he showed up at my office out of the blue…

And before I could say a word, he ran up and gave me a big bear hug.
“Ralph, honest to God... you’ve saved my life,” he said with tears in his eyes. “I can’t thank you enough.”
He looked like a new man.

Later that day, his wife texted me a photo of him working out, reporting that he was back to cranking out push-ups and sit-ups just like he used to.

That’s when I knew…

I Needed to Get This Breakthrough Into the Hands of Every Able-Bodied Man in America 

Considering that 50-80% of the aged male population will struggle with BPH at some point in their life…

And the deadly inflammation hiding in their prostate could go undetected until it’s far too late...
I knew I needed to do whatever it took to get this breakthrough remedy out to all the able-bodied men in need across America...

Even though Big Pharma’s attack dogs would be all over me the second I opened my mouth…

Eager to bury me in legal fees... 

And try to silence me with cease-and-desist letters and phony injunctions..

All so they can cling to their $25 BILLION dollar a year cash cow.

But no more.

I won’t let them stop me.

And as long as you’re here reading this web page, I promise I’m still fighting the good fight.

Because I refuse to be censored, silenced, or cancelled by these corporate fat cats.

Now, I’m thrilled to be...



Meet the next generation in prostate health science.

VitaGenix Prostate Support is the breakthrough that finally makes the miracle of an inflammation-free prostate available to anyone…

And inside every single capsule, you’ll find 8 of the most powerful, clinically-backed ingredients in the world today…

Ingredients that can soothe and shrink your inflamed prostate…
So that you can enjoy a strong and powerful stream like when you were a teenager…

Fully empty your bladder each time you hit the can…

Get back to sleeping through the night without getting up even one time…

And wake up refreshed, restored, and ready to conquer the day.

These Tiny Capsules are the Secret to a Long, Uninterrupted Sleep That Leaves You 
Feeling Refreshed and Recharged

These Tiny Capsules are the Secret to a Long, Uninterrupted Sleep That Leaves You Feeling Refreshed and Recharged

Modern medicine has uncovered a breakthrough that gives your body the power to shut down prostate inflammation…

And shrink your swollen prostate...

Now, these tiny capsules are your first chance to get in on the action at practically no cost...

So you can…
  • STOP getting up at night to pee
  • STOP feeling like a zombie in the morning
  • STOP experiencing the sudden urge to urinate every 15 minutes
  • STOP worrying about crooked pee going everywhere or dribbles leaking through your pants
  • And START waking up rested, refreshed, and ready to conquer the day
Imagine what it would feel like to pee just once before you go to bed…

And then once again in the morning after a long, deep, and restorative sleep.

Enjoying a strong stream that hits the bowl like a firehose as soon as you get up.

No more getting up in the night to pee.

No more waking up exhausted.
No more searching frantically for the nearest bathroom everywhere you go.

To have supreme confidence that as soon as your head hits the pillow…

You’ll be down for the count until the sun rises.

That’s exactly what VitaGenix was designed to help you do.

There are no fillers, soy, or GMOs…

And every single bottle is manufactured right here in the U.S.A…

In a secure, state-of-the-art, CGMP-approved facility.

This Brand New Formula Represents a Paradigm Shift in the Science of Prostate Health

Just three easy-to-swallow capsules per day is all it takes…

You can take them at breakfast… after lunch… with an afternoon stack… or right before bed…

It doesn’t matter when you take VitaGenix, so long as you TAKE it..

Because once you have this little prostate shrinking miracle in your hands…
It’s like hitting the “rewind” on your body...

You can feel your energy, libido, and virility come rushing in like you were back in your 20s...

And it keeps going this way for the rest of your long and healthy life.

There are already thousands of men across the country who swear by the power of VitaGenix…

And you’re going to hear from them in just a moment...

But first...

Let me share the 8 soothing ingredients inside VitaGenix…

So you can see exactly why this formula is so revolutionary…

And what makes it so incredibly unique.

Breakthrough Ingredient #1:


Quercetin is one of the most powerful bioflavonoids known to Man, and yet it’s been neglected in the public eye until recently, as new research has revealed its astonishing potential as a health-promoting, disease-preventing supplement.

For starters, 500mg of Quercetin has been shown to relieve chronic prostatitis symptoms for a whopping 82% of patients.(7)
A second 2018 study found the same dose of Quercetin can slash abnormal prostate cell growth by as much as 50%. (9)
And another found that Quercetin doesn’t just reduce symptoms of prostatitis, it actually STOPS you from getting it in the first place. (10).
Think of it like Mother Nature’s way to bulletproof your prostate against inflammation.

Breakthrough Ingredient #2:


This magical extract comes from the bark of the African cherry tree. It’s been used by tribesmen for thousands of years to reduce nighttime urination and urinary frequency.

Just 100 milligrams of Pygeum per day has been shown to reduce nighttime trips to the bathroom by a whopping 32%. (11)
Another meta-analysis of 18 randomized controlled trials involving 1,562 men found Pygeum supercharged urine flow by an impressive 23%. (12,13)
Just imagine how good it’s going to feel to pee like a firehose again.

Breakthrough Ingredient #3:


This rare mineral is found in nuts, grapes, and leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach. It’s proven to support healthy hormone metabolism, boost testosterone, and keep DHT levels in check. (14)

Here’s a shocking statistic: One study found that Boron supplementation led to 38% smaller prostates and a staggering 89% drop in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels. (15)
That’s like taking a pin to a balloon when it comes to shrinking your swollen prostate.

Breakthrough Ingredient #4:


Also known as pineapple extract, Bromelain is a potent anti-inflammatory enzyme.

Remember the Cleveland Clinic study I mentioned earlier? It found prostatitis patients taking Quercetin with Bromelain reduced their symptoms by a mind-blowing average of 48%. (8)

And that’s not all.
Bromelain also increases bioavailability of other nutrients by up to 17X. (16)

So your prostate can soak up each ingredient like a dry sponge.

So Are You Starting to See What Makes This VitaGenix Formula So Unique?

  • It’s filled with clinically-backed ingredients that can soothe and shrink your inflamed prostate…
  • It contains the EXACT right dosages of each ingredient, based on clinical studies and research done on actual people…
  • And it also has ingredients that can help restore the vital sexual energy you had when you were younger…
It’s the ultimate 1-2 punch for prostate health, male virility, and sexual function…

Now let me quickly share the remaining 4 breakthrough ingredients with you...

Breakthrough Ingredient #5:

Saw Palmetto

Experts call Saw Palmetto “the sworn enemy of DHT”, and for good reason. This plant extract blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

Studies show 320 milligrams of Saw Palmetto per day — the exact dosage found in our formula — can slash prostate symptoms by 50% in just 8 weeks. (17)

Two large meta-analyses of over 7,000 men across 38 studies also found that Saw Palmetto works even BETTER than the drug Proscar to improve urinary function — with ZERO side effects. (18)
That’s why you’ll enjoy complete stream rejuvenation once you start taking VitaGenix.

Breakthrough Ingredient #6:


Beta-Sitosterol is another powerful plant extract that not only reverses prostate growth, but leads to a significant increase in urinary flow. (20)

Recent studies have shown Beta-Sitosterol results in a mind-boggling 353% improvement of prostate symptoms. (21)

So get ready for less irritation, better sleep, a stronger stream, and more energy in the bedroom.

Breakthrough Ingredient #7:

Pumpkin Seed Oil

Pumpkin seeds were traditionally used by Native American tribes to “facilitate passage of urine.” A European herbal encyclopedia first mentioned the use of pumpkins seeds to treat urinary problems in the year 1578.

But Pumpkin Seed Oil is even MORE potent. (22)
Case in point: Japanese scientists have recently discovered Pumpkin Seed Oil can reduce incontinent episodes by up to 79%, daytime urination by up to 39%, and nighttime urination by up to 60%. (23)
Plus, another study reveals that a combination of Pumpkin Seed Oil and Saw Palmetto can reduce PSA levels by a massive 41.7% in men with BPH. (24)

Breakthrough Ingredient #8:

Stinging Nettle

This ancient remedy was used by both the Romans and the Egyptians to increase libido.

A recent study of 257 elderly men with BPH found Stinging Nettle reduced prostate symptoms by 53% and improved peak urine flow by 19% (25, 26).

Even better, repeated studies have shown that a combination of Saw Palmetto and Stinging Nettle can reduce nighttime urination by at least one episode per night. (27, 28, 29)
One of the many reasons why VitaGenix means you’ll finally be able to sleep through the night without getting up to pee.
As you can see, this is...

The Future of Prostate Health and Male Vitality in the Palm of Your Hand

So at this point, you’re probably wondering how you can get your hands on some VitaGenix for yourself…

Along with how often you need to take it for best results.

To be honest…

I wish it was easier for folks to gain access to this breakthrough…

Because as I’ve mentioned repeatedly throughout this report…

My goal is to make VitaGenix available to every man possible…

Especially those who are 50 years of age or older…

And whose swollen and inflamed prostate is robbing them of their dignity and manhood.
Yet while that’s my goal…

The truth is that because every single bottle of VitaGenix needs to be produced in a pristine, state-of-the-art facility…

Then kept fresh through a special, proprietary encapsulation process…

Which only a few manufacturing facilities in the world are able to do…

So you can understand why…

It Can Take A Very Long Time to Produce
 Every Single Bottle of VitaGenix

And because VitaGenix truly is like a “time capsule in a bottle”…

Something that takes your body and mind back to the way it was when you were young…

While helping to refresh the cells in your prostate...

Pretty much everyone who tries VitaGenix keeps asking for more of the stuff…

Because they never again want to worry about getting up at night to pee, dealing with a constant need to urinate, or struggling to initiate a strong stream.

VitaGenix is also becoming extremely popular with many in the health profession…
Which is amazing, but it puts even more of a strain on production…

Especially since it takes up to 3 months to custom-create each batch. 

And as a result of the fact that VitaGenix is expensive to manufacture, takes up to 3 months to produce a single batch, and keeps selling out…

I Often Don’t Have Any VitaGenix
 Available for The Public

But that being said…

I also don’t want ANYONE to continue living through the same prostate nightmare that my dad, my granddad, and my best friend Client had to suffer...

Which is why in the next few moments…

I’ll share how you can get your hands on a brand new bottle of VitaGenix…

And how you can try it risk-free as part of our breakthrough new Beta Tester program.

But first, let me answer that other question:

How Much VitaGenix Do You Need to Take?

That’s simple…

Just take 3 small, easy-to-swallow capsules each day, for at least 30 days. 

The reason it’s important that you take VitaGenix for at least 30 days is very straightforward…
While the 8 prostate soothing ingredients inside go to work pretty much immediately…

What all of those clinical studies have shown us…

Is that the longer you take each of the ingredients inside VitaGenix…

The more your prostate can benefit. 
And considering the prostate can be notoriously difficult to penetrate…

Due to its low blood supply and lack of circulation…

It’s no surprise that users who’ve seen the best results often report taking it for 90 days or more. 

So It Just Makes Sense To Keep Taking VitaGenix Day After Day and Month
After Month…

Especially since unlike Big Pharma’s deadly prostate drugs....

The most VitaGenix will cost you is a few pennies per day (more on that in a second). 

And this is why so many health experts recommend that you choose at least 3 bottles of VitaGenix at a time…
And 6 bottles if you want to be completely safe…

Then take it for a period of at least 90 days…

That way you can absolutely guarantee that you’ve done everything you can to heal your inflamed prostate...
Relieve the crushing pressure this swollen gland can put on your urethra…

Get back to peeing like a racehorse..

Emptying your bladder with ease…

And sleeping like a baby all the way through the night.
Across the U.S., men who were once afraid of being betrayed by their aging prostate...

Waking up to soiled sheets each morning....

And spending the rest of their life in adult diapers...

They’re calling VitaGenix a “Gift From God”…

And today, this is your golden opportunity to join them. 
Real Reviews From Real VitaGenix Users

My doctor recommended...

...that I take this type of supplement. It definitely does what it is supposed to do. I think this brand is much better quality than some of the other brands that I have used.  It is less expensive than other brands I have purchased but works better than any I have tried.  Saw palmetto by itself did nothing for me.

I used to get up at least 4x per night and now I am down to one for the last week.  I feel so much better in the morning, I am a lot less cranky just ask my wife!

I am extremely satisfied with it and would recommend it to anyone.

Scott Myers, 56, Ft. Lauderdale, FL


My opinion according to scientific research.

Opinions vary on the subject of preventive medicine, but the one thing I can tell you by experience is that I have been taking this for 4 months as a prevention for prostate problems and related illnesses.

So well, at the age of 64 I am still in perfect condition, sexually, normal and healthy.
So I do believe that Vitagenix works as a preventive alternate supplement.
For what I know research shows that saw palmetto and the other herbs in this formula may help increase testosterone levels, improve prostate health, and also improve urinary tract function.

I know it works for me, I think you should try it for yourself.


Tom Gamora, 64, Princeton, NJ

I forgot what it was like to get good sleep.

I've dealt with prostate issues for so long I just got used to them.

I was getting up 4x per night to pee, and often just giving up and getting up around 4am.  I was tired and grumpy a lot but didn't really think it was all about my sleep.

Well after my 2nd week of sleeping from 10pm to 5am, I am a new man.  My wife noticed, my daughter noticed, even my church group noticed. It was all because I was getting up so much.  

I have more energy, I am walking and even running a little, and my diet is much better.  Plus I don't have the stream problems like before where it went everywhere but the bowl.  

I came back to reorder and bought a couple extra and gave it to my brother, after he saw how I beat him up on the golf course he asked what I was up to :-)


Bob Humphrey, 62, Topeka, KS

Using VitaGenix Really Can Feel Like You’ve Just Hit the Rewind Button On Life…

Something that lets you travel back in time, to make up for lost opportunities, to get a second chance…

Every day you take your three capsules of VitaGenix…

It’s another day of living life without regret…

Because you’ve taken a huge, important step to make sure you have both the physical and mental energy needed to get out there and be the strongest, healthiest, and happiest version of yourself. 
And when you consider that VitaGenix really can do all of this for you…

You can probably understand why our suppliers were adamant that we set the price of this breakthrough at $249 per bottle

Which honestly, I think is extremely fair…

Especially considering that Big Pharma routinely charges tens of thousands of dollars a year for their deadly drug cocktails…

And yet, while I know that we could charge $249 for a bottle of VitaGenix and I’d still sleep soundly at night…

Look, I’ll be honest:

I’m not getting rich off this.

I make just enough to pay for my costs and have a little extra in the bank for my efforts. 

That's all I ask for, I don't need mansions and Ferraris. 

I just want to earn a fair wage for my time and help more men achieve the vibrant health and strong sexual energy they deserve.


This Isn’t About Money For Me

Instead, it’s about fulfilling a promise I made to myself...

After watching Clint suffer through his own prostate nightmare.

Because I know what it’s like to see your best friend...

The very definition of a “man’s man”...

A decorated Army Ranger...

And the kind of guy who loved cranking out pushups in the hallway, just to show off…

Reduced to a quivering mass who couldn’t stay out of the bathroom for more than 15 minutes at a time.
A man so handsome that, even at age 56...

Could make any woman weak in the knees with nothing more than a passing glance...

But couldn’t stop himself from wetting the bed at night…

All because of his bloated and sickly prostate.

It’s heartbreaking...

I Watched As Clint’s Sick Prostate Robbed Him of His Dignity and Manhood… But I Won’t Let the Same Thing Happen to You

Which is why if you decide to take action right now…

And say “YES” to the scientific miracle that is VitaGenix…

You won’t need to spend $249 for a bottle…or Even $149…
And why instead, by taking action today...

You can order VitaGenix for as little as $249 $34.50 per bottle. 

And That’s Just the Beginning

You see…

Because so many of the studies show that the longer you take the ingredients inside VitaGenix…

The more you could benefit from them…

And because so many people have been ordering multiple bottles of VitaGenix at a time…

That way they can share them with their family and friends as well…

Me and my team have created an even deeper discount program where…

Right Now When You Stock Up On 6 Bottles of VitaGenix…

  • You’ll get FREE shipping anywhere in the U.S.
  • And you’ll save $207 on your order

$69EA $34.50EA
50% OFF
Today Only

*Your order is covered by My LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee

Plus that’s still not all…

Because I also want you to know...

All Orders Of VitaGenix Also Come With
 My LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee

This is really important, and here’s why: 

Every day I hear from folks all over the U.S. who say that after taking VitaGenix, it’s like their prayers finally have been answered...

And while I’m absolutely certain that you’ll feel the same way once you try this scientific breakthrough…
I also know that in today’s society of big promises and over-the-top-hype.

Talk is cheap.

That’s why I want to put my money where my mouth is…

By offering you the opportunity to try VitaGenix for yourself...

With absolutely no financial risk whatsoever.
Here’s How it Works…
Simply click the button you see below that says “Start My Order”...…

And order your own supply of VitaGenix right now. 

Then, when your order arrives in just a few business days from now…

I want you to tear open that box, grab your first bottle, and start using VitaGenix every single day.
I’m positive that once you do this, you’ll feel AND see the difference VitaGenix makes right away…

And that after you’ve taken VitaGenix for the next few months…

You’ll never want to go another day without this prostate health breakthrough.
But if for any reason I’m wrong, at ANY time…

If you aren’t blown away by your experience of taking VitaGenix...

Then you don’t pay a dime.
Simply call us at 800-599-3104 or email us at and we’ll refund your entire order. Oh, and don’t worry — our award-winning customer service team is based right here in the US. 

Plus, you can even keep the bottles. No need to ship anything back to us. Consider them our gift to you for giving VitaGenix an honest try.
And the only reason I’m able to offer such a bold guarantee...

Is because I’m confident you will be blown away by what life feels like using VitaGenix…

And that you’ll become a loyal customer and VitaGenix evangelist for life.

So really, you’ve got nothing to lose.

You’ve seen the science, you’ve seen the studies, you’ve heard from men who have restored their health thanks to the power of VitaGenix...

Yet you can still take as long as you like to decide if VitaGenix is right for you.

So Go Ahead and Click The Button You See Below Right Now… And Choose Your Package of VitaGenix While There Are Still Supplies In Stock

$69EA $34.50EA
50% OFF
Today Only

*Your order is covered by My LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee

You’ve Reached A Fork In The Road, And Which Future You Choose is Up to You

This report is now ending, so the choice is yours…

You can ignore everything you’ve seen today…
Like the incredible studies showing that the ingredients in VitaGenix can reduce symptoms of prostatitis and BPH by 82%...
Or the inarguable truth that right now, as you read this, people all over the world are using VitaGenix to turn back the clock on their aging prostate.
Fact is, this is your opportunity to join thousands of folks just like you…

To level the playing field...

And to “opt-out” of the normal aging process so you can age younger and healthier instead. 

Now if the choice you make is to not take action today…
Then there’s no hard feelings, and I wish you all of the best…

But just think about what life will be in a few months, or even a few years from now…

Imagine the next time you lie down and go to sleep, praying you’ll make it through the night…

Begging and pleading with the Man upstairs that you won’t be woken up by the sudden urge to urinate…

Or worse still, the smell of dried urine and soiled sheets.

And as your aging prostate grows bigger and bigger…

Placing more and more pressure on your urethra…

Forcing you pee 25, 30, or even 40+ times per day...

And you struggle to ignore the fear in the back of your mind that your bloated prostate could betray you at ANY time…

Like when you’re in bed with your wife…

Or out on the golf course with your buddies...

Won’t you think back to this moment…
When you had the chance to claim your very own supply of VitaGenix at a huge savings…

While there were supplies in stock…

And feel just a tiny bit of regret that you didn’t try this breakthrough risk-free today?
If the answer is even a “maybe”…

Then I would strongly urge you to take that second, smarter path…

Which is to say “YES” to VitaGenix right now…

To click the button that says “Start My Order” and claim your supply of this cutting edge breakthrough…

While it is available to the public, and while I do have bottles on hand.

Your decision today is covered by a full LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee…

So you truly have nothing to lose…

And an entirely new body to gain.

Ultimately, the decision is yours..

But I trust you’ll make the right choice.

Thank you so much for spending your time with me today…

And I look forward to hearing about your success using VitaGenix.

God Bless,

Dr. Ralph La Guardia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Non eaque incidunt, quam voluptatem distinctio, dolor aliquam quasi nihil accusamus officiis, ratione necessitatibus vero officia iure iste similique.

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50% OFF
Today Only

*Your order is covered by My LIFETIME Money Back Guarantee

“Why Should I Choose VitaGenix?”

and other frequently asked questions answered below:

Transparent Ingredients Supported By Honest Studies

1. White JW. I. The Results of Double Castration in Hypertrophy of the Prostate. Ann Surg. 1895 Jul;22(1):1-80. doi: 10.1097/00000658-189507000-00001. PMID: 17860184; PMCID: PMC1424827.

2. Traish AM. Post-finasteride syndrome: a surmountable challenge for clinicians. Fertil Steril. 2020 Jan;113(1):21-50. doi: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.11.030. PMID: 32033719.

3. Kohnen PW, Drach GW. Patterns of inflammation in prostatic hyperplasia: a histologic and bacteriologic study. J Urol. 1979;121:755–60

4. Meert T, Baten E, van Renterghem K: Clinical Importance of Histopathological Inflammation in Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Due to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Prospective Study of 222 Patients. Curr Urol 2016;10:150-153. doi: 10.1159/000447170

5. Nickel JC, Roehrborn CG, Castro-Santamaria R, Freedland SJ, Moreira DM. Chronic Prostate Inflammation is Associated with Severity and Progression of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Risk of Acute Urinary Retention. J Urol. 2016 Nov;196(5):1493-1498. doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2016.06.090. Epub 2016 Jul 1. PMID: 27378134.

6. Nygård LH, Talala K, Taari K, Tammela TLJ, Auvinen A, Murtola TJ. The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Prostate. 2017 Jun;77(9):1029-1035. doi: 10.1002/pros.23359. PMID: 28480542.

7. Shoskes DA, Zeitlin SI, Shahed A, Rajfer J. Quercetin in men with category III chronic prostatitis: a preliminary prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Urology. 1999 Dec;54(6):960-3. doi: 10.1016/s0090-4295(99)00358-1. PMID: 10604689.

8. Shoskes DA. Phytotherapy in chronic prostatitis. Urology. 2002 Dec;60(6 Suppl):35-7; discussion 37. doi: 10.1016/s0090-4295(02)02383-x. PMID: 12521591.

9. Ward AB, Mir H, Kapur N, Gales DN, Carriere PP, Singh S. Quercetin inhibits prostate cancer by attenuating cell survival and inhibiting anti-apoptotic pathways. World J Surg Oncol. 2018 Jun 14;16(1):108. doi: 10.1186/s12957-018-1400-z. PMID: 29898731; PMCID: PMC6001031.

10. Meng LQ, Yang FY, Wang MS, Shi BK, Chen DX, Chen D, Zhou Q, He QB, Ma LX, Cheng WL, Xing NZ. Quercetin protects against chronic prostatitis in rat model through NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways. Prostate. 2018 Aug;78(11):790-800. doi: 10.1002/pros.23536. Epub 2018 Apr 13. PMID: 29654614.

11. Wilt T, Ishani A, Mac Donald R, Rutks I, Stark G. Pygeum africanum for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002;1998(1):CD001044. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001044. PMID: 11869585; PMCID: PMC7032619.

12. Ishani A, MacDonald R, Nelson D, et al. Pygeum africanum for the treatment of patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia: a systematic review and quantitative meta-analysis. Am J Med. 2000 Dec 1;109(8):654-64.

13. Breza J, Dzurny O, Borowka A, et al. Efficacy and acceptability of tadenan (Pygeum africanum extract) in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH): a multicentre trial in central Europe. Curr Med Res Opin. 1998;14(3):127-39.

14. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2015;14(4):35-48.

15. Gallardo-Williams MT, Chapin RE, King PE, et al. Boron supplementation inhibits the growth and local expression of IGF-1 in human prostate adenocarcinoma (LNCaP) tumors in nude mice. Toxicol Pathol. 2004;32(1):73-8.

16. Walker AF, Bundy R, Hicks SM, Middleton RW. Bromelain reduces mild acute knee pain and improves well-being in a dose-dependent fashion in an open study of otherwise healthy adults. Phytomedicine. 2002 Dec;9(8):681-6. doi: 10.1078/094471102321621269. PMID: 12587686.

17. Oelke M, Berges R, Schlafke S, et al. Fixed-dose combination PRO 160/120 of sabal and urtica extracts improves nocturia in men with LUTS suggestive of BPH: re-evaluation of four controlled clinical studies. World J Urol. 2014;32(5):1149-54.

18. Wilt T, Ishani A, Mac Donald R. Serenoa repens for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2002(3):Cd001423.

19. Phytother Res. 2013;27(2):218-26.

20. Penugonda K, Lindshield BL. Fatty acid and phytosterol content of commercial saw palmetto supplements. Nutrients. 2013;5(9):3617-3633. Published 2013 Sep 13. doi:10.3390/nu5093617

21. beta-sitosterol for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a systematic review.

22. Hong H, Kim CS, Maeng S. Effects of pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil in Korean men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. Nutr Res Pract. 2009;3(4):323-327. doi:10.4162/nrp.2009.3.4.323

23. Sogabe H and Terado T. (2001). Open Clinical Study of Effects of Pumpkin Seed Extract/ Soybean Germ Extract Mixture- containing Processed Food on Nocturia. Jpn J Med Pharm Sci. Nov;46(5):727-37. Available at: Accessed August 15, 2008.

24. Hong H, Kim CS, Maeng S. Effects of pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil in Korean men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. Nutr Res Pract. 2009;3(4):323-7.

25. Lopatkin N, Sivkov A, Schlafke S, et al. Efficacy and safety of a combination of Sabal and Urtica extract in lower urinary tract symptoms--long-term follow-up of a placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter trial. Int Urol Nephrol. 2007;39(4):1137-46.

26. Teucher T, Obertreis B, Ruttkowski T, Schmitz H. Zytokin-Sekretion im Vollblut gesunder Probanden nach oraler Einnahme eines Urtica dioica L.-Blattextraktes [Cytokine secretion in whole blood of healthy subjects following oral administration of Urtica dioica L. plant extract]. Arzneimittelforschung. 1996 Sep;46(9):906-10. German. PMID: 8967906.

27. Nahata A, Dixit VK. Ameliorative effects of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in rats. Andrologia. 2012 May;44 Suppl 1:396-409. doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0272.2011.01197.x. Epub 2011 Aug 2. PMID: 21806658.

28. Safarinejad MR. Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. J Herb Pharmacother. 2005;5(4):1-11. PMID: 16635963.

29. Oelke M, Berges R, Schlafke S, et al. Fixed-dose combination PRO 160/120 of sabal and urtica extracts improves nocturia in men with LUTS suggestive of BPH: re-evaluation of four controlled clinical studies. World J Urol. 2014;32(5):1149-54.
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Legendary Ventures is a small, family-owned company based in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. 
 You can find us at Legendary Ventures 1990 Depew Street #140690 Edgewater, CO 80214.